If you saw my post the other week you'll know what this video is about. Amidst all the insanity, I want to share with you the peace that I've found. Not just calm, but happiness, a well-spring of hope, and I want to help you find it as well.
I want to show you how to be spiritually healthy.
This is post #2.
You have to know that the supernatural is real. If you think only what you can see, feel and touch is real, then I'm sure you've already clicked onto the next thing. If not, feel free to do so! Just know this. In the days ahead, you are increasingly going to be confronted with the demonic. It's not angels you're going to experience, but the darkness. So when you recognise it for what it is, come back, and I'll help you understand what the hell is going on.
The supernatural is real. And you and I are nothing less than a spiritual being. Knowing that basic fact is the beginning of your journey to find peace.
Here's what the bible says in the book of Hebrews, chapter 11 verse 6.
"...it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him."
So it begins with knowing that the supernatural is real. An aspect of you is created to be spiritual, much in the same way God is spirit.
At this point, because I've told everybody who doesn't believe in the supernatural to not to bother watching, I'm assuming you and I, at least, are on the same page. I'm assuming you know that the spiritual realm exists from experience. And, at the very least, that's good, because peace comes to you from the spirit realm.
You will not find peace in the natural realm of what we can touch or feel. You can't buy it in a bottle, not that it stops anybody trying.
I'm under no illusion. I know that the likely reason you know the spiritual realm to be real, is because you've had some really bad stuff, spooky even, happen to you. Perhaps even it's reoccurring, and you're searching for answers.
I know this because my own journey came from that place.
Here is the comforting thought. Here's the thing to hold onto.
For those who seek the truth, the peace of God will find you. Under no circumstances should you imagine that you can, or will, ever be able to find peace in and of your own effort. But the act of seeking is important. It's like a key. Through the act of searching for the truth, truth and peace and light and joy will find you.
That same verse, in a different version, says "He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." (NKJV)
So seek. With all your heart, determine that you're going to hunt down the truth and find the Peace of God.
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you
John 14:27 NKJV